Robot Operating KUKA.ArcTech KSS 8.x (KR C4)

Robot operators with the application arc welding with KUKA.ArcTech
Goal of the seminar is to change and modify existing robot programs or create new robot weld programs with KUKA.ArcTech. Robot welding with 1 robot is covered in this course as well as working with a 2-axis positioner.
  • at least 1 year practical experience in arc welding
  • If the student has no previous robot experience, it is strongly recommended they first attend Robot Operation PRO and then either the 5day or 3day ArcTech class. Please call KUKA to discuss further
  • Safety when working with KUKA robots
    • Recognizing and avoiding hazards when operating robots
    • Overview of safety facilities of KUKA robots
  • Structure and components of a robot system
  • Jogging the robot manually
    • Axis-specific jogging
    • Cartesian jogging
    • Jogging of 2-axis positioners
  • Human-machine communication
    • Displaying and configuring the logbook
    • Displaying robot states (signals, timers, cyclical flags, counters)
    • Reading and interpreting robot controller messages
    • Displaying the current robot position
  • Executing robot programs manually, in automatic mode and via an external controller
    • Selecting and setting the operating mode
    • Selecting the robot program
    • Performing an initialization run
    • Starting and executing robot programs
  • Working with program files
    • Creating, deleting, renaming, duplicating robot programs and files of various types
    • Archiving and restoring robot programs
    • Creating new program modules
    • Structuring and streamlining robot programs by using global subprograms
    • Linking robot programs
    • Integrating newly created programs into the (configured) PLC interface on the robot controller
  • Creating and modifying robot weld- and motion programs
    • Programming and changing robot motions by using KUKA inline forms
    • Adapting existing welding seams
    • Creating new welding seams using KUKA.ArcTech-commands
    • Welding with LIN and CIRC motions
    • Welding with SPLINE-motions
    • Coupling of a robot to a positioner
  • Performing commissioning tasks at the robot
    • Defining the geometry of a tool
    • Assigning tool load data
    • Assigning supplementary load data
    • Setting up, calibrating and offsetting a workpiece base
  • Troubleshooting
  • The course ends with an achievement test
  • A certificate is issued on successful completion of the course
KUKA Robotics Corporation, US Shelby Township
Telefon: +1 800 459-6691
E-Mail: college.us@kuka.com
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